A downloadable game for Windows

Twitch Back is a singleplayer 3D game made on Unity 3D in 2018. It is a first year student project.

The Pentagon has been hacked. The president orders you to block the attack and to find the hacker. To achieve that, you are materialised into the Pentagone's computers. Will you succed ?

You play as a special force agent. In the computer, you can do actions that will be repeated after you are out of time and retry the level.

The team :

- Game Design : Enzo Onesti / Alexandre Crespel / Ludovic Leroux

- Level Design : Ludovic Leroux / Alexandre Crespel

- Programming : Gaspard Broussaud

- 3D : Yann Babef / Bastien Messinese / Antoine Guillemot

- 2D : Clara Toussaint

- Sound Design : Thierry Cecchi

- Trailer/Logo  :  Arnaud Forgues / Thierry Cecchi


TwitchBack.zip 142 MB

Install instructions

Unzip package, open TwitchBack.exe. The files in the folder "TwitchBack" must stay grouped.

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